Wednesday, February 3, 2021

F5 Boot Camp Challenge Video Announcements - February 2

Click here: Feb 2 Video Annoucements

Things discussed in this video:

(0:30 - 2:14) Update on joining a team. Pick members based on similar fitness goals. Meet new people. If you have a team, start getting to know each other. Have a group video call, make some group plans, etc. (2:15 - 21:15) February Points Tabulator Spreadsheet. How to download and use the spreadsheet. What's basic training week? Sunday points count this week!! Get into a routine now so you can hit your maximum points starting this Sunday!! (21:20 - 22:35) New blog site to get announcements. Technical difficulties with old site. New site is (22:35-23:35) Please visit it and leave a comment just letting me know about the ease of use. (23:40 - end) Final thoughts! Hit it hard guys!! Other highlights: 1. Distance in miles count towards points, not steps. (17:15 - 17:49) 2. Partial miles count to the tenth. 3. For swimming, 1 meter equals 1 point. 4. Workout time counts to the minute. 5. Intentional workouts - taking the steps vs the elevator, walking home from work or to the store. (17:50 - 18:50) 6. Any questions? See below.


  1. Hi Jason. Thanks for the video. It was very helpful. One question that I have that wasn't' answered is this. When I am doing my HIIT workout I get the 400 points per 15 minutes. Can I also count my reps for push ups, sit ups, squats etc. that I did during the HIIT workout? So if I did 50 push ups during the HIIT workout can I get the 400 points for HIIT plus the 100 for the push ups?

    1. No, cannot double dip. You have to choose the minute allowance or points per rep. Great question!

  2. Fantastic, thank you Jason! Great explanations.

  3. Thanks!! I'm really looking forward to the challenge!

  4. Hi Jason, thanks for the info! Heads up to Ranger/SEAL teams - Cell A30 needs to be updated to “FALSE” and Cell A31/32 needs to be updated to “TRUE” for the division you are entering (ie: SEAL team would have A30 = “FALSE” A32 = “TRUE”)
    Good luck all!!

  5. I'm the slow kid in class.

    Re: Bicycle crunch counting
    I always counted bicycle crunches the following way: In order to count ONE bicycle crunch, I have to turn my body *once* to *each* side. You're saying that would be entered as "1" in the spreadsheet and count as 0.5 point?

    Or were points being racked up last month for the following situation: Turning my body *once* to *each* side counted as TWO bicycle crunches. (This is now entered into the spreadsheet as "2" and counts as 1 point.)

    Help a sister out, please!


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  If you're looking to join a team or needing to recruit a team member- please comment below to find team members! In addition- Lily San...