Sunday, February 7, 2021

F5 February Boot Camp Q&A!

For those that did the January boot camp, it's really easy to figure out the boot camp challenge system. However, we are aware that for those that are new- you may have many questions about this boot camp and how it is done! We are getting no shortage of questions- so we are posting a Q&A post, in case others may have the same question! We are posting some info below that may be helpful. Please feel free to ask any questions!

Your goal is to accrue as many points as possible each day! Your total points will go towards two things. 1. Individual earnings to see who amassed the most points in your division. 2. Will also go towards your team points. So you have an opportunity to win as an individual for your efforts, and also a chance to win as a team! However, each division has a team cap. For example: If you are a Marine, your team cap is 1000 points. So if you scored 1200 points for the day. 1200 points will go towards your individual earnings, but only 1000 can go towards your team points. The caps for the Rangers is 2000 and the cap for the Seals is 3000. We deliberately placed these caps to reduce the competitiveness of the challenge and direct the focus of the challenge to the quality of workouts over the quantity of points!

Once we have your emails, we will also be sending important messages to your team captains, so that none of the teams miss out on important info or deadlines.

Someone asked if the PFT points count towards fitness points. Starting Sunday Feb 7, all activities can count for fitness points. So if you do them on Sunday, they would count. However, if you did them on Sat nite (Feb 6), they would not count towards your end of month total.

When we give you opportunities to win "Awesome" points. It is the team captain's responsibility to keep track of the awesome points for your team!

Everything is done on the honor system regarding points. Pretty "obvio" as my daughters would say...!

Please make sure you have the latest version 1.4 google spread sheet so each member of your team can track your points! See Eli Kim's tutorial video for downloading onto the iPhone and Jason Shives tutorial 4 days ago for use on your laptop. This is very helpful. Recommend all to download the "google sheets" app into your phones, so you can have this spread sheet at your fingertips!

Google Sheets Link*

*remember, to make the the spreadsheet editable, you must "make a copy" under the "File" tab and you can name it what ever you want. Also, don't forget to share this with your team as you can all use the same online spreadsheet!!!

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