Wednesday, March 3, 2021



If you're looking to join a team or needing to recruit a team member- please comment below to find team members!

In addition- Lily Sanchez one of our “All Star” team captains from “Making Aerobics Great Again” who is an expert in putting together a winning team is here to lend a hand and help you to join a winning team! So please use the comment section to connect with others in the division that you’d like to be in. But if your having trouble finding a team- please reach out to Lily and she can help connect you with the right team!

Email Lily:

Phone: 360-899-8559




(Please do not ask any questions until you have read through all of the info here)

Objective: Earn as many fitness points as possible individually and together as a team.  Being on a team offers accountability, opportunity to make new friends, and have FUN together!  

Official start/end date: March 8-28, 2021!
1. March 1-7 is "basic training" week! We want you to invite new friends to join this month. Use this week to connect w/ others and join a team (we will set up FB posts to assist in this).   Start doing your favorite exercises and start getting warmed up.  
2. You can carry over the same team from last month, or create/join a new team.  Only rules that apply for this month is that each team must have at least one male and one female.  Carry over teams can keep the same team captain, but must come up w/ a new team name!
3. Once you have formed a team, pick a TEAM CAPTAIN and come up w/ a TEAM NAME! (carry over teams will need a new team name as well)
4. It is up to you to choose which division that you would like to be in.
Marines (easy/entry, shooting for 500-1000 points/day)  
Rangers (moderate, shooting for 1000-2000 points/day) 
Seals (difficult, shooting for 2000-3000 points/day)  
(we encourage you to choose the right division and team members with similar fitness goals)
5. How do you accumulate points?  Points are given out for different fitness exercises completed.  Our spreadsheet makes it super easy and will accommodate almost every kind of fitness activity.  Once we share the spreadsheet, it can be accessed right from your phone.  After an exercise is completed, you can easily enter in your points and the spreadsheet will keep track of your points for you!
See our point system below:
1 mile on foot (hiking, walking, running, XC skiing) = 300 points
1 mile on mountain bike/rollerblades = 200 points
1 mile on-road bike/ spinning = 100 points
100 yard swim = 100 points
1 point per step climbed (stairs or stair stepper machine)
1 point per jump (jump roping)
Group fitness classes (High Intensity...not stretching/yoga):
15 minutes = 400 points (crossfit, insanity, aerobics, HIIT, Orange Theory, etc)
Recreational/team sports (Moderate Intensity):
15 minutes = 200 points (climbing, tennis, volleyball, soccer, skiing, etc)
Strength focused workouts:
Butterfly/Bicycle crunches = 1/2 point
Crunches, squats, lunges, chair assisted dips = 1 point
Push-ups and sit-ups = 2 points
Pull-ups, chin-ups,  burpees, and dips = 3 points
Weight lifting category:
High-intensity reps (if you can comfortably do more than 25 reps, equivalent to a crunch, squat, or light weights) = 1 point
Moderate intensity reps (if you can do more than 10 reps but not more than 25 reps max, equivalent to a pushup or moderate weight) = 2 points
Low reps (you can only do a max of 10 reps, equivalent to a pull-up, dip, or very heavy weights) = 3 points
We recommend using the google spreadsheet that we have created to help keep track of your points
We will be posting this shortly.
6. Weekly point cap: While you are free to accumulate as many daily points as you want to your INDIVIDUAL total, each team member has a weekly cap on how many points they can contribute to their weekly TEAM total. Here are the total points each member can contribute to their teams weekly point total  w/ 1 one rest day built in.
Seals- 18,000 per week
Rangers- 12,000 per week
Marines- 6,000 per week
This averages to 3000 per day for Seals, 2000 per day for Rangers, and 1000 per day for Marines plus one rest day.
*This has been instituted to hone the benefits of friendly competition without incentivizing point accumulating addicts in overdoing it, creating a frenzy that pushes every team to become point addicts as well to keep up. However, there will still be awards given for individual point totals which have no weekly caps.
7. Teams must be registered by Sunday 6pm (March 7)Official point count starts Monday (March 8).

Team captain's please send us the following information in order to be registered to our email at:
Team name, Division, Team Captain's name and email address.  All team member's names and email addresses.  

8.. For people who are not on social media, we will be posting all the updates/info on the following blogsite link:
9. Any questions? Comment below!!

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Updates to Challenge in March


F5 Boot Camp "Notice"!
Dates: March 8-28, 2021

For those finishing the February Challenge, you will have a 1-week break to live in a "point-free" existence. Use this time to do rest, recover, and re-connect with your non-exercising friends and family.

The next challenge will start Monday, March 8 and will end Sunday, March 28.  The rules will be mostly the same (see previous post regarding February Boot Camp rules) with the following exceptions:

1. If you are happy w/ your current team, we encourage you to stay on and continue with the same team!

2. If you're looking for more "spice" or for less "spice", then we encourage you to join a new team or switch to a different division!

3. We encourage you all to invite any friends or family that may want to join in and benefit from the boot camp!

4. We will be adding a few modifications such as incorporating in a "rest" day, as well as doing a weekly cap instead of a daily cap which will allow for more flexibility for all members!

Hope you all have a great week off! Get ready for more gains and goals attained in March!


February Final Instructions #2


Great job everyone!  If you completed this boot camp and had a great time, you are a winner!

As the February boot camp officially ends tomorrow on Sunday (Feb 28), we will be giving you 2 days to complete your second PFT test!  Deadline is Monday midnight (your time zone).

We want to award those who have made the most improvements in their PFT!

We will put up a post for this tomorrow in Facebook and put highlights on this site.  

So here are the basic rules for this:

1. Repeat the exact same PFT challenges you did 3 weeks ago at the beginning of this challenge.  

2. Determine the percentage that you improved.  

Example #1
If I did 20 pushups on the first PFT, and now I can do 22 pushups on the second PFT.  This is a 10% increase. 

Example #2
You did 40 sit-ups on the first PFT, and now you were able to do 55 sit-ups on your second PFT.   You increased your sit-ups by 15, this means you had a 38% increase!

Example #3
You ran 1 mile in 9:30 minutes for your first PFT.  For your second PFT you ran your mile in 8:10 minutes.  This is an improvement of 80 seconds. This is a 14% improvement on your running time. 

3. Take your 3 highest PFT scores and add them together.  (3 only)

For example:

Sit-ups 38% increase
Dead hang 25% increase
Pushups 20% increase
Pull-ups 15% increase

Add the top 3 numbers.   38%+25%+20%= 83% increase

This is your final number!!

4.  We want you to post your final results following the format below!

Name:  John Doe
Team: Give em' Health
Division: Rangers

PFT #1 to PFT #2:

Dead hang:    50 >70 - 40%
Crunches:      80>100 - 25%
Pull-ups:       10 > 12 - 20%
Push up:        30 > 35 - 16.7%
Plank:            2:12>2:32 - 15.2%
Sit ups:          50>48  - neg 4%

40% + 25% + 20% = 85% (Final score)

We look forward to seeing your awesome  PFT results!


Calvin Kim
F5 Challenge

February Final Instructions #1


F5 February Boot Camp Team Captains and Team Members!

Captains, please check your emails for 2 separate emails!

First email is for team captains only. It will give you specific instructions on how to post final results for your team and for individuals!

Second email should be forwarded to all of your team members! This email explains details regarding your second PFT test, how to calculate % improvement and how to post. As we want to recognize everyone's improvement!

Team members, if you do not receive an email from your team captain by Sunday evening! Nicely encourage your team captain to check their inbox!


F5 Boot camp beanies giveaway!


For all of our Jr. F5 boot camp members (age 17 and under), that participated in the January and/or February boot camp. We will be mailing you a “FREE” F5 Beanie as our show of appreciation for your hard work and awesome accomplishments!

If you were a registered participant, please email us your names, age, and mailing address to: 

Big thanks to Sunny Arakawa for the great idea and for helping us to make this happen!

Monday, February 8, 2021

What are Awesome Points?


It is your job to keep track of AWESOME POINTS!  These are not to be conflated w/ your "FITNESS POINTS"!    We give out AWESOME points when your being AWESOME!

For example:   If your 4 person team did a combined total 15 of the PFT tests, you get 200 points for each of them.  So this equates to  15 X 200 =  3,000 awesome points.   In addition to this, each of your team members would also get "fitness points" for however many points they accrued while doing the PFT tests.  And this would be entered into your google spread sheet.

At the end of the month, we will be seeing which teams have the most awesome points!


Sunday, February 7, 2021



Just a reminder...Today’s points count towards the challenge! Let’s go!!

Spreadsheet tutorial - Download and use on iPhone


If you need more in-depth info on how to use the spreadsheet, 

Correct Form for the PFT

 Covers Pull-ups, Push-ups, and Crunches.

F5 February Boot Camp Q&A!

For those that did the January boot camp, it's really easy to figure out the boot camp challenge system. However, we are aware that for those that are new- you may have many questions about this boot camp and how it is done! We are getting no shortage of questions- so we are posting a Q&A post, in case others may have the same question! We are posting some info below that may be helpful. Please feel free to ask any questions!

Your goal is to accrue as many points as possible each day! Your total points will go towards two things. 1. Individual earnings to see who amassed the most points in your division. 2. Will also go towards your team points. So you have an opportunity to win as an individual for your efforts, and also a chance to win as a team! However, each division has a team cap. For example: If you are a Marine, your team cap is 1000 points. So if you scored 1200 points for the day. 1200 points will go towards your individual earnings, but only 1000 can go towards your team points. The caps for the Rangers is 2000 and the cap for the Seals is 3000. We deliberately placed these caps to reduce the competitiveness of the challenge and direct the focus of the challenge to the quality of workouts over the quantity of points!

Once we have your emails, we will also be sending important messages to your team captains, so that none of the teams miss out on important info or deadlines.

Someone asked if the PFT points count towards fitness points. Starting Sunday Feb 7, all activities can count for fitness points. So if you do them on Sunday, they would count. However, if you did them on Sat nite (Feb 6), they would not count towards your end of month total.

When we give you opportunities to win "Awesome" points. It is the team captain's responsibility to keep track of the awesome points for your team!

Everything is done on the honor system regarding points. Pretty "obvio" as my daughters would say...!

Please make sure you have the latest version 1.4 google spread sheet so each member of your team can track your points! See Eli Kim's tutorial video for downloading onto the iPhone and Jason Shives tutorial 4 days ago for use on your laptop. This is very helpful. Recommend all to download the "google sheets" app into your phones, so you can have this spread sheet at your fingertips!

Google Sheets Link*

*remember, to make the the spreadsheet editable, you must "make a copy" under the "File" tab and you can name it what ever you want. Also, don't forget to share this with your team as you can all use the same online spreadsheet!!!

Friday, February 5, 2021

Boot Camp Tip #1: Recovery Through Rest

As we start this new boot camp challenge, I encourage you to take time to rest. Even God rested. After making everything we see in the natural world in 6 days, He rested the 7th day and named it the Sabbath, the Sabado, the Shabbat.  Before we hit the ground running (and throughout this challenge) find time to take this much neglected recommendation from

Challenge #2 - The PFT (Physical Fitness Test)!

F5 February Boot Camp Challenge #2 PFT TEST

Here is your next challenge! Have each member of your team pick any 3 of the following physical exercises and test yourself to see where you are at before midnight on Sunday (Feb 7)! We want you to see what kind of progress you have made this month and also give you goals to shoot for!

Run 1 mile and time yourself

Run 3 miles and time yourself

PULL-UPS: See how many pull-ups you can do (you must use good form, as in, you need to start each pull-up in a "dead hang" position, arms straight and fully extended) For those that cannot do a pull up- you could make it your goal to get to 1-2 pullups before the month is over.

PUSH-UPS: See how many push-ups you can do non-stop. You must use good form. Lockout your arms completely with each push up (no halfway push-ups, and go all the way down till your chest hits the ground). For those that are just starting- you can do knee assisted push-ups and see how many you can do.

DIPS: Full body dips. You can also do chair assisted dips (use proper form)

CRUNCHES: See how many crunches you can do in 2 minutes time

SIT-UPS: (see how many you can do in 1 minute- must do military style- lock hands behind the head and keep elbows down)

PLANKS: Time yourself (must use good form- keep back straight, proper positioning, and see how long you can hold a plank)

DEAD HANG: (find a bar and hang from the bar w/ your arms extended and time yourself to see how long you can hang)

Take a video of yourself for each of the challenges you accomplish (minus the running ones), so we can share and enjoy watching each other suffer!! #miserylovescompany

3 is the minimum number of challenges required of each team member! However, you can do as many as you want!!

Your team will be awarded 200 awesome points for each challenge each member of the team takes on. For example, if I did 5, John did 7, Lisa did 3, and Ann did 4, that would be a total of 19 for our team and we would accumulate 3,800 AWESOME POINTS!!

Captains- please keep track of the awesome points for your team!

If you do not know what proper form looks like- please watch this video done by our F5 personal trainers Shion Shironishi and Pete Lingas for great tips!

Form video on Facebook

Deadline for this is Sunday midnight!!


Challenge #1- Best Team Name Contest



1st place is $100, 2nd place is $80, and 3rd place is $60!

Team captains, please submit your team name, and the names of your team members in the comments below (or the F5 Facebook group page) just as soon as you have your team name!

The deadline for this is Sunday midnight (Feb 7)!

For example:

Give em' Health

Calvin Kim, John Doe, Jane Doe, Lisa Doe


Team captains- please EMAIL us the following information by Sunday evening for registration purposes. We need your team name, team captain's name and email address (for team captain only), and team member's names.

Email to:

Please follow the format below: (for email only)

Team name: Give em' Health

Team captain: Calvin Kim


John Doe

Jane Doe

Sally Doe

Deadline Sunday midnight (Feb 7)

Thank you!


NEW FINAL points tabulator spreadsheet!! (click on link to google drive below)


Thanks for your patience in getting this software correct. Now go out there and get some points!!

Also, a few words on the points system:

We are getting a lot of questions about the point system and we want to help you by clarifying some things!

We want you to understand the system so that you can fairly and honestly award yourself points as this is all on the "honor" system.

We have had requests for just about everything you can think of (calf raises, burpees, and the list goes on). So we set up the spread sheet in a way that it can accommodate "almost" every kind of physical activity there is out there as there is no way that we can list every kind of exercise that you are wanting. So in order to remedy this, we came up w/ the (high rep=1 pt, mod rep= 2 pts, and low rep= 3pts system). So whatever "rep/movement" that you are doing. If you can comfortably do more than 25 of them, it would be worth 1 point. For example. If you can do 26 or more calf raises, this would be considered a "high rep" exercise. If you are benching 200 pounds and you can only do 8 of these. This would be considered a "low rep" exercise, as you could not exceed 10 of these. So if you are doing a reverse (negative) pull up. For some people, they could easily whip out 30 of these if you are coming down fast and it would only be worth 1 pt each. But if you are coming down really slowly, this requires a lot of strength and it can burn. And if you can only do 15 of these, then this would place you in the "mod rep" category and each would be worth 2 points. Bottom line, two people can do the exact same exercise and depending on fitness levels, they may be accumulating different set of points.

We have added a new category for planks, wall sits, and dead hangs. You will be given 1 point for every 2 seconds. So you must enter into the spread sheet the total number of seconds. For example, if you did a plank for 3min and 36 sec. You would enter in 216 into the spread sheet and it would automatically tabulate that into 108 points for you.

If there are things that are considered part of your normal work day, we discourage you from adding these things to your points. For example, walking up and down stairs at work/home. As we are shooting to improve fitness, not just gain points for the sake of gaining points. For example, if you normally climb up and down stairs at work, you cannot get points for this. But if you normally take an elevator and you decide to skip the elevator and take stairs, now you are being INTENTIONAL & DELIBERATE, and you can now award yourself points for this. If your work normally requires lifting heavy cinder blocks, than you should not be awarding yourself points for these kinds of things.

This is not a "STEP" challenge. You cannot have a "step counter", counting your daily walking steps. Credit is not given for normal walking throughout the day. The only steps that are awarded points are the following. On a stair climber, or deliberately climbing "stairs". Walking points are given when one goes deliberately on a walk/hike for exercise (however, this is tabulated by mileage, not steps).

The spread sheet has been put together so that it tabulates only the first week's points separately. Then the remainder of the month are tabulated separately (starts Sunday). It's also a different parameter for those that are in different divisions as daily caps are not the same! We ask that you DO NOT edit the google spread sheet unless you really know what you are doing, as this can really create issues w/ the calculations of the final points.

We are a completely volunteer team, doing this literally while working full time jobs. So we appreciate your being patient w/ us, as we are doing our best to come up w/ a spread sheet that works best for all! 

Let us know if you have any questions below!


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

F5 Boot Camp Challenge Video Announcements - February 2

Click here: Feb 2 Video Annoucements

Things discussed in this video:

(0:30 - 2:14) Update on joining a team. Pick members based on similar fitness goals. Meet new people. If you have a team, start getting to know each other. Have a group video call, make some group plans, etc. (2:15 - 21:15) February Points Tabulator Spreadsheet. How to download and use the spreadsheet. What's basic training week? Sunday points count this week!! Get into a routine now so you can hit your maximum points starting this Sunday!! (21:20 - 22:35) New blog site to get announcements. Technical difficulties with old site. New site is (22:35-23:35) Please visit it and leave a comment just letting me know about the ease of use. (23:40 - end) Final thoughts! Hit it hard guys!! Other highlights: 1. Distance in miles count towards points, not steps. (17:15 - 17:49) 2. Partial miles count to the tenth. 3. For swimming, 1 meter equals 1 point. 4. Workout time counts to the minute. 5. Intentional workouts - taking the steps vs the elevator, walking home from work or to the store. (17:50 - 18:50) 6. Any questions? See below.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

New Spreadsheet to track points for February Challenge!!!

Please use the link below to access the new tracker. If you will be using google sheets, you need to GOTO: File > Make a Copy.  Remember the first week basic training points DO NOT count towards your point total.

February Challenge Points

February Boot Camp Challenge Information

Please read below if you are planning on participating this month! 

Part of F5 is fostering new friendships and relationships while having fun getting fit!  For this reason the following rules for teams are being implemented. Please see previous post regarding pro's/con's survey results that influenced these format updates.

Official start date: February 7 (Sunday)

1.  February 1-5 is "basic training" week!  We want you to invite new friends to join this month.  Use this week to try out the new point system, determine which division/level you want to be in, put together your teams, come up w/ a team captain and team name! (more details on team formation to come in separate post).

2. All your team members must be new (no carry-over teams from last month). Spouses cannot be on the same team. Exception: children and parents can remain on same team.

3. Top 10 challenge (most points in a week) winners cannot be on the same team

4. Top 10 challenge winners must each be a team captain if they plan to be in the February challenge. You have proven to be proficient in understanding and accumulating points. We want you to use that skill and knowledge to help others. 

5. Teams consist of 4 members*. Must have at least 1 male and 1 female.

    *we can assist in finding you a teammate, stay tuned for this!!

6. Teams will be divided into divisions based on effort levels:

    Marines (easy/entry)
    Rangers (moderate)
    Seals (difficult)

7.  How do you accumulate points? We are expanding the exercises that qualify for points and modifying the value of some exercises. We want to give you credit for enjoying a variety of fitness pursuits. See our new point system below:

     1 mile on foot (hiking, walking, running, XC skiing)  = 300 points
     1 mile on mtn bike/roller blades = 200 points
     1 mile on road bike/spinning = 100 points
     100 meter swim = 100 points
     1 point per step climbed (stairs or stair stepper machine)
     1 point per jump (jump roping)

     Group fitness classes (High Intensity...not stretching/yoga): 
     15 minutes = 400 points  (crossfit, insanity, aerobics, HIIT, Orange Theory, etc) 

     Recreational/team sports (Moderate Intensity):  
     15 minutes  = 200 points (climbing, tennis, volleyball, soccer, skiing, etc)

     Body-weight focused exercises:
     similar to the January challenge:

        bicycle crunches = 1/2 point
        crunches, squats, lunges, chair dips = 1 point
        push-ups, sit ups = 3 points
        pull-ups, chin-ups, full body dips = 3 points
    Weight lifting:

        light weight reps (able to do >25 reps in one set, equivalent to intensity of a crunch)
        moderate weight reps (able to do 11-25 reps in one set, equivalent to intensity of a push-up or sit-up)
        heavy weight reps (max of 10 reps or less, equivalent to intensity pull-up, dips, or heavy weights)

A new spreadsheet for point tracking will be available in a future post

8. Daily point cap:  While you are free to accumulate as many daily points as you want to your INDIVIDUAL total, each team member has a cap on how many points they can contribute to their daily TEAM total. Here are the total points each member can contribute to their teams point total daily:

    Seals- 3000 per day  
    Rangers- 2000 per day
    Marines- 1000 per day

*This has been instituted to hone the benefits of friendly competition without incentivizing point accumulating addicts (i.e. Rolando, the million push-up man) in overdoing it, creating a frenzy that pushes every team to become point addicts as well to keep up. However, there will still be awards given for individual point totals which have no daily caps.

9. Teams must be submitted by Friday February 5. Official point count starts Sunday February 7.

10. Any questions? Comment below!!


  If you're looking to join a team or needing to recruit a team member- please comment below to find team members! In addition- Lily San...